786vskhaos Wiki

Ghastly walked down the stone paths of the Dragonvale island, swerving and taking unusual routes to his destination. Shaking anyone that was following him. He knew that he couldn't be followed, not on this important task. He was sent by his master to receive the two dragons being bred for the organization. Ghastly did not know how they would be used. He assumed no one did besides the leader, not even the breeder. He veered off the path and into the woods, cutting through the trees and got to the back door of the breeder. "Hello," Ghastly said, "I'm here for the...special...dragons."

"Ah. Ok," The breeder, Dragonhawk, said, "They are back this way. I have took extra care of them," she led Ghastly to the back room. He was astounded at what he saw. A Bone and Reindeer dragon sat in the middle of the room.

"Wow!" he said looking at them, "This is what he asked for?"

"Yes, I was as shocked as you when he asked," Dragonhawk said.

"Thank you," Ghastly said as he scooped up the little dragons and walked out the door with them in a cage with a cover over it. As he walked on stone path after stone path, he couldn't help but feel as if he was being watched.

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